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Moorage Info
Moorage Info
TYC moorage is based on the total square footage space a boat or boathouse would take up.
For a 40’ sailboat it would be the length of the boat or the slip (whichever is longer) x the width 14’ (+ 2 feet). The monthly charge would be approx. 640 x .79= $505.60.
Moorage rates for boathouses are calculated using the outside dimensions of the boathouse. A boathouse that is 5O'x 15' feet would cover about 750 square feet. The monthly charge would be approximately 750 x .79 = $592.50.
This compares very favorably with other marinas which charge from $8.00 to $10.00 a linear foot.
If moorage is not currently available for a particular size boat when you join TYC, you can get on the moorage waiting list when you join.
Boathouses are privately owned by the members of the yacht club. We can get you a current list.
We also have a "Moorage Transfer Fee" for members who acquire moorage in our basin. It is a one-time fee equal to 29% of the annual moorage.
For more information please call the club at 253-752-3555.
Click here for the TYC Basin Map
Updated 6-14-24